There’s so much we can do these days in just the palm of our hands. We can send emails, order bathmats, check in with loved ones, return bathmats. But with these great technological advancements comes great threats to humankind. Artificial intelligence can lead to job losses. Cloud storage can lead to mass data leaks. And autocorrect can lead to dumb, silly typos. Is it a bit dramatic to compare embarrassing messages to cyberwarfare? Or not dramatic enough? Read on to decide for yourself if these autocorrects are as life-ruining as they are funny AF.

Bone Jaw

On the aptly-named autocorrect subreddit r/BoneAppleTea, one user shared a reply to their simple “hi” text that said “Bone jaw.” When they rightfully asked for clarification, the response was yet another “Bone jaw” message, followed by the texter asking, “Are you dumb.” Still rightfully confused, they asked for more clarification, where the texter's intentions were finally revealed: “It’s French for hello dumbass.” Perhaps this texter should say “bone jaw” to a new phone.


Doctor’s Bra

Some autocorrects are so far off from their intended wording, there’s no way to know it was a typo at all. And thus, the message takes on a whole new disastrous meaning. Like this user in r/autocorrect for example, who received a text from their partner saying “I have my doctor’s bra lol.” Oh the places their mind probably went after reading this. “Are they cheating on me with their primary care physician?” “Why are they telling me they kept their undergarment?” “And why is that lol-worthy?” Luckily, the partner followed up with “doubts” and an asterisk, shutting down any conspiracies about stealing a mistress medical professional’s brassiere. Still…



Sometimes, if you’re lucky, you just might spot an autocorrect out in the wild. We’re talking IRL. That’s right: non-digital, tangible objects. As is the case with this swimming pool sign posted in r/facepalm that dashed the hopes of anyone looking to take a dip, as the pool was closed due to the “David-19 situation.” It’s one thing if your phone accidentally autocorrects “Covid” to “David,” but it’s a whole other thing to print it out and hang it up without seeing what the issue is. Here’s to hoping David-19 has calmed down enough for people to use the pool again.


Roast History

Another gem from r/BoneAppleTea: one Facebook user puzzled their friends and family when they inquired, “do them roast history chickens be good???” When a commenter tried to help get to the bottom of their post, the user doubled down: “roast history chickens the ones that be in the deli.” It is true that “rotisserie chickens” have a “history” of being “roasted,” so the user isn’t technically wrong.


Impatient Parking

Let’s end on another IRL one. In this instance, one medical office got so impatient when it came to proofreading their inpatient parking lot sign, that it literally says “impatient parking only.” So if you’re losing patience trying to find a parking spot, this is the lot for you. Speaking of patience, this sign also includes a bonus autocorrect fail on the bottom, warning violators that their car will be towed at the “patience” expense. That’s what we call a twofer!


So that’s technology for you. Isn’t it great?! Crack up a tech-savvy friend or relative with our selection of prank tech gadgets on, such as our fake ‘Cheek Speak’ phone suction device or our ‘Cheese Printer’ and ‘Pet Talk’ gift boxes. And don’t forget to double check those messages!

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