Looking to buy prank gadgets in bulk? We like your style. Visit our wholesale Faire catalog to shop gift boxes, wine labels, wearables, puzzles and more to stock in your store.
What is the minimum order quantity for Prank Packs?
Our prank gift boxes are shipped in case packs of 5-10 per style. To keep fulfillment and shipping efficient, we ask that you be cool and order at least 25 units.
Are there displays I can order with Prank Packs?
There are! We have options on the price list. Shelf-top displays hold standard and small sizes. They’re shipped unassembled (but assembly is idiot-proof.
What is the typical turn time from PO to delivery?
While we can’t guarantee time of delivery, know your order will ship 1-3 business days after receipt of your PO.
Does Prank-O do back orders?
For efficiency we prefer to just ship the order in full and notify you when the style you wanted is back in stock.
My store is outside the USA, does Prank-O ship international?
For international customers, we recommend first checking out our Faire shop. If Faire doesn't support your country, please contact us at info@pranko.com to discuss.
Can I get a ship cost estimate before you ship my order?
We’ll try to quote you a rate. However, we process millions and millions of orders per week, so we ask that you build in a range of $10-$15 for an order of 24 Prank Packs, within the USA, as a reference.For international customers, we prefer if you set up your own shipments and provide us with labels and shipping documents.
I'm an Amazon Marketplace seller. Will you ship to me?
We appreciate interest in our Prank-O line from any/all prospective resellers. However, we do not currently work with any Amazon Marketplace sellers.