Saluting the OGs (Original Goofballs): A Tribute to Classic Prank Gadgets

Prank gadgets are as old as time. Or at least around the same age as time. Like maybe time is 3 or 4 years older than prank gadgets. We’re getting off track. Point is, prank gadgets have been around for a while. And as the preeminent authority on modern prank gadgets, we at Prank-O would be remiss if we didn’t pay tribute to the greats that paved the way to our tomfoolery. We’re talking about the classic prank devices. The original laugh-inducers. The practical jokes our ancestors were pulling. Mad respect incoming!

First up is the prank gadget that needs no introduction: the whoopee cushion. You’ve seen it, or rather, heard it in action. These small pink balloon bags have been masterfully designed to replicate the sound of flatulence upon deflation. So naturally, users are instructed to place them on the chair their prank target is about to sit on, only for them to push all the air out to the tune of an impossibly loud fart. As they blush and frantically try to assert their innocence to anyone in the vicinity who may not have been in on the joke, they can’t help but laugh. Because at the end of the day, farts are funny. Whoopee for whoopee cushions!

Next, we gotta give it up for the snake nut can. This gag is as simple as it is funny: what appears to be a can of salty mixed nuts actually has a long cloth snake inside that launches from a spring when the lid pops off. Once the victim realizes that they are not being accosted by a venomous reptile hidden in their mid-day snack, they’ll surely crack up knowing that they have, in fact, been had.

Perhaps one of the more, erhm, shocking items on this list is the classic hand buzzer. Shaking hands is a formality that doesn’t usually end in one of the hands getting an electric zap to the palm, unless of course the other hand has this discreet disc tucked inside it that releases a vibration once pressed. It’s been used by a multitude of film and TV characters, from Krusty the Klown in The Simpsons to The Joker in the Batman franchise. While we don’t recommend bringing this along to a job interview, it can make for a funny prank with less formal greetings.

Lastly, let’s MAKE SOME NOISE for fake snot! First time that sentence has ever been written? Probably. This is a gross one, but the best pranks always are. To use, simply hide this long rubber string of pretend mucus in your hand and then fake sneeze into it before letting it drop from your nose to the horror of your surrounding friends and family. It’s disgusting. It’s nauseating. It’s hilarious.

We at Prank-O stand on the shoulders of goofy giants. Honor these past titans of prank gadgetry by continuing their legacy with our surprising-as-they-are-funny gift boxes, puzzles, mugs, flyers, and so much more. Prank onwards!

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